使用的软件:VASP, Origin, SshClient, p4vasp The LDOS , or local density of states, is the the density of state at a particular site of a crystal with some asymetry. For example: A slab will have a different band structure on the surface than in the bulk region. The PDOS is a projected density of states. In the context of VASP this means site-projected DOS, where the information about the different contributions of the different orbitals is computed. You then know which states (spd) contribute at which energy. You have to select the proper LORBIT tag in the INCAR file (e.g. LORBIT=11) to get the spd decomposed DOSCAR file output. The formatting is explained in the DOSCAR file link provided. 一 PDOS 计算 在完成结构优化和静态计算后,拷贝 scf 文件夹为 pdos cp -rf scf pdos 编辑 pdos 文件夹下 INCAR INCAR SYSTEM=x ISTART=1 # change ICHARG=11 # add LORBIT=11 # add ENCUT=350 EDIFF=1E-5 IBRION=2 POTIM=0.25 NSW=0 EDIFFG=-1E-2 ISMEAR=0 SIGMA=0.05 PREC=ACCURATE ISIF=2 NPAR=4 #LWAVE=FALSE #LCHARG=FALSE LREAL=Aut...